Friday, June 3, 2011

Billy Creekmore by Tracy Porter

The book Billy Creekmore by Tracy Porter is the tale of a 10-year old Billy Creekmore's unsual life. Able to sense ghosts and make up completely believable storeis since he was born, Billy's life has been a series of unfortunate events. As historical fiction, it follows Billy and details his life from the time he was born (Friday the 13th!) to his dream home, surrounded by people who love him. The book starts off in an orphanage run by the lazy and mean Beadles. Then, it goes to Holly Glen, a coal camp, where Billy lives with his aunt and uncle. Finally, it goes to circus after circus, as Billy meets new people and finds lost friends. Overall, I give book 4 stars. Since it's set in the 1900's, many of the characters and settings are modeled after real people or places of that time. This keeps the plot interesting. However, the author could've done a better job describing how Billy feels in some parts.


New Tampa Regional Library TAB Member